Graduates Celebrate at Burlington
Burlington Family Apartments recently celebrated the graduation of 9 students housed in the apartment unit!
Burlington residents and staff hold gardening day
Children learn about water and energy conservation thanks to funds from USGBC.
From sleeping in the car to a permanent home
Resident leader describes her family's life before and after finding a home.
A street artist's passion for mental health
Artist LeBA, co-creator of the mural at Burlington Apartments, on the healing power of art
Speaking out for affordable homes in California
Residents and staff advocate at the state capitol for more funding to solve homelessness - with videos!
A renaissance man for Los Angeles
Michael chose his career because he wanted to be involved in development that really helps people. "We are all part of a community," has says.
End of Year Resident Updates and Holiday Wishes
Thanksgiving community meals and Homewalk 5k to end veteran homelessness.
Protecting Our Future Through Green Building
Sustainability and water conservation in CBH buildings
Funder Thank Yous and Project Updates
A huge thank you for our newest grants received from these partners!
CBH Holds Wizard of Oz-Themed Open House for Burlington Family Apartments
Staff and residents celebrate the new building as all apartments are filled